Tuesday, September 14, 2010

All About Auri

I never thought I would be writing this post! I can't believe she's here!! Auri Cooper was born August 23, 2010 at 5:29pm, weighed 6lb 8oz and was 19 1/4" long. I just have to say, labor and delivery was nothing like I expected it to be...It was awesome! Well, yes, there were a few little ouchies on the way but for the most part I really wouldn't mind having several more. (not at once thanks) The morning of the 23rd I went in to have my membranes stripped because I was sick of the false labor and contractions I had been having all month. The stripping part wasn't much fun, but really not as bad as others had let on. After I left the hospital Laurie, my Mid-Wife told us to go home and go on a walk and stay very active. So we did, and when my contractions were coming every 2 minutes we went into labor and delivery and I had dialated to a 3+ and so they admitted me and even offered the epidural. I decided to wait until I was in real pain(I don't know why?) anyway, my contractions started to slow down and so Laurie came in and broke my water so that my labor would progress. Right after she broke my water the contractions came, and they came hard! Cade was so cute, he didn't know what to do or say. I honestly didn't know what to do either, no matter what I did it just hurt. I waited about 40 minutes and told Cade I needed an epidural NOW! They came and I was already dialated to a 6. The anesthesiologist came in and gave me the epidural and about 10 minutes later, pure heaven. I love epidurals. I didn't feel a thing and Cade and I both finally relaxed and could enjoy the delivery process. I dialated very fast but luckily my mom and sister Katie made it before Auri was born. Even though it was just Cade and I in the delivery room when I delivered I loved knowing they were there. The delivery is like nothing I've ever imagined, it was so special and spiritual. I can't even describe how amazing it was to have such a beautiful little spirit come out of me and lay on my chest breathing her first breaths. Cade and I were speechless and I couldn't stop my tears from coming. I couldn't believe how much I already loved this little girl. She is perfect and couldn't have come to us at a more perfect time in our lives. I can't believe she is 3 weeks old, time has flown. Cade has honestly been a life-saver. He is the cutest dad, and even in the middle of the night when I feed her he asks if there is anything he can do even though I'm nursing. I feel like he was more ready to be a parent than I was. He is so cute with her and I'm so grateful we had a girl first because it has brought out a whole new side to him. I don't think he will ever be able to discipline her, he's wrapped around her finger :) Tink has been very tolerant and very patient with us. I think she finally knows that Auri is here to stay and she is not super happy about it but she is ok. She still is very spoiled and when I'm not holding Auri, I'm holding Tink. All in all we had a great experience and feel so blessed to have such great friends and family who were there for us and so happy for us! We now have our own little family, and it is so great to finally have our little Auri here!