Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby on the Brain

So Kandice I'm copying your last post about likes and dislikes of being pregnant, so thanks it was fun to think of some of my own!
I love waking up each morning and checking my pregnancy app on my phone to see that I'm one day closer to my due date and reading the daily tips. I don't know why but this just makes me so happy! As does (and I know Leandra can relate to this one!) each Thursday when I start a new week in my pregnancy.
I hate that I'm 5 months and still only half way, I always forget to count the entire 9th month.
I love feeling my belly in the morning and thinking that it grew so much through the night without me constantly rubbing it.
I hate that none of my shirts fit like they should and I only have like 3 that I can wear. I'm sure people think I should try shopping sometime, but I really don't want to bring myself to buy maternity clothes that I'll only wear for 4 months, such a waste!
I love feeling my little girl kick, it almost makes my stomach feel sick sometimes when she kicks just right and I feel like I want to throw her up! Jk I would never do that!
I hate that my face thinks it is a 15 year old going through puberty and nothing I do seems to make it any better.
I love going to my ultra sounds and seeing proof that there is a baby inside of me and how much bigger she is each time I go.
I hate when I forget to take my vitamins and feel like I'm already failing at being a parent! It happens right?
I loved Cades face when he felt her kick for the first time the other day. Priceless!
I hate when I stress out about being prepared when I go into labor and having my bag perfectly packed and all of the babies things ready to go! I only have what? 4 months to get that taken care of and yet I still get anxiety thinking it won't be done.
I love that I can use the "I'm pregnant" card whenever I am super moody and irritable and Cade can't argue with me about it.
I hate that I can't wear cute summer clothes and pick out cute swimming suits!
I love how much joy she has already brought me and she isn't even born yet!
I do hate looking at the cup half empty and thinking really, I'm only half way? I should think, yes! I'm halfway!
I love checking every morning at 9am just to make sure I'm not missing out on anything. Thanks to my sister-in-law Tara for getting me hooked on that site, it's definitely addicting!!
I hate when once in a blue moon Cade is moody. I don't think he should be entitled to any moody days while I'm pregnant, only me.
I love the fruit and veggie comparisons that all the books and websites refer to my little baby, which by the way she is a banana or a butternut squash now! Exciting I know!
But overall the good definitely outweighs the bad and I actually love being pregnant so far it has been a great experience! I can't wait for her to be here and can't wait to be a mom!
PS Can I be counted in Mother's Day this year? Ha ha only joking, but kinda not...:)


  1. I'm glad that you guys came up to see us the other day, we have missed you! I hope Tink is recovering from her surgery :) And you are FINALLY halfway, that is so exciting.

  2. I loved this post!! I'm sorry about the downers of being pregnant though... But I love hearing about that baby girl in your belly. Its so surreal though and I can't wrap my head around it! I need to be there to feel your belly when she moves sometime so I can be sure its real! But yes I got to come to Germany and we went to Prague and Paris too! Its been fun but now the airport is closed and I cant come home :). But anyways keep in touch and call me next time you are near Spanish Fork!!

  3. lol, such a good post! I love when the week changes to one week up! And just think you'll always be 3 weeks ahead of me!

    I wanna see a baby bump pic! I feel like this week I have doubled in size. I have like 1 pair of pants that I can wear and same as you, 3 shirts. I just don't wanna buy clothes becuase I don't know how humongous I am going to get yet. yikes. I haven't felt the baby move yet but I'm excited for when that happens. Are you coming up here any time soon? we should get together if you do.

  4. oh and if it makes you feel any better, I didn't take prenatals for most of the first trimester because of all the throw up. I would throw up the second I tried to swallow it. So my dr. just had me taking folic acid and said we'd be good. Talk about being a bad parent! :)

  5. Love this post! So many things i didn't think about but everything you said is so true for me! I bought my first fat women clothes this weekend and they are so comfortable! You have to try. I said I'm only going to buy one pair of pants and some capris... try it... they don't squish your belly and they don't look too bad! ha ha Good luck with the rest of your pregnany... I only have 13 weeks left! YES!

  6. I want you to know that I check this everyday ... you should start posting everyday :)

  7. I still love this post! Even though I want to know more about whats going on! And I would love to see you again soon. Being at your house made me miss you and your fam so much.
